Discounts? oh yeah…
10-packs and MORE!
Buy 8, I give you 10. Always available; this is not a special. The visits never expire, and you can even
mix-‘n-match with family members. Good deal. Want a 10-pack? Just ask. Get in touch with me HERE at this LINK.
and as always,
I’ve decided that in this modern climate in healthcare it’s to our benefit to avoid using insurances if we can. No staff to administrate it, no space to deal with it, no one telling you who you can see or how I take care of you. The savings pass on to you. Sorry there’s no discounts when a $32 adjustment is already so affordable. But hey, asking is worth a shot, right? Actually, there IS something I do to appreciate all those who care about someone else enough to refer them for a great adjustment…
If someone you send me gets adjusted the first time in the office, I’ll give YOU a free one. Do it again, and there it is, ANOTHER FREE ONE!
Trust me enough to help your friends and family? I’ll oblige you for sure. Referrals are and always
have been the best compliment you can give to a chiropractic physician. I mean it.